Portugal is a developed country on the continent of Europe based on an area of 93 thousand kilometers. They have a population of around 10 million. Portuguese people are very smart and advanced. It is one of the reasons why their economy is so strong and they have a high living standard.
Portugal has many historic buildings as well. Many empires ruled this area and created their own structures. Furthermore, Portugal is part of the United Nations, NATO, as well as the Schengen zone. People can immigrate to this country and settle here. In this article we are going to briefly tell how easy it is to immigrate to Portugal.
Moving or visiting a new country is not easy. You need to have some knowledge about the visa and entry requirements to make shifting easier for yourself. A visa is a type of permit that is a must for you if you are not part of the European Union. There are a few visa requirements and types that you should be aware of before applying to Portugal.
Portugal Golden Visa
The golden visa program in Portugal is also known as theResidence Permit Program. This visa can be achieved by investment in Portugal and is available for all non-EU nationals. This is a way for the government to invite foreign investors to come and invest in the land of Portugal.
If you keep hold of your investment for 5 years, and stay asa temporary resident, you can apply for permanent residence and citizenship as well. But, before that, you will have to show a clean criminal record. Also, you will have to pass a Portuguese language test. The test is basic and will
have simple questions regarding the language.
The program was introduced in 2012 and offers investors manydifferent ways to invest. These are as follows:
· You can purchase residential land worth at least euro350,000. A 20% discount applies if you are buying it in a low-density area.
· You can purchase commercial land worth at least euro350,000. A 20% discount applies if you are buying it in a low-density area.
· You can purchase real estate on the islands of Madieraworth at least euro 350,000.
· Investment of euro 500,000 can also be made if youdon’t buy directly.
· Make a capital transfer of at least €1.5 million
· Contribute to the scientific and research center atleast euro 500,000.
· Supporting historical sites and the arts of countrycan also be done with a donation of at least euro 250,000.
· Open a company with a minimum of 10 employees. Theworth of your company should be around or more than euro 500,000.
This investment option is the most popular in the world. Manypeople choose this option to gain citizenship in the country. Keep in mind that you will have to open a bank account for further processes through this option.
Portugal’s D7 Visa
The D7 visa is also known as a retirement visa and is anothertype of visa option for non-EU members. They need to live for 5 years in the country before applying for permanent residency. There are a few more requirements as well.
· Not be an EU national
· Income should be at least euro 760.
· Have a place to live in Portugal. We should show proofof that.
· Be willing to live in Portugal for at least 6 monthsconsecutively.
This option is suitable for people who are retired orentrepreneurs. Also, people who do not want to make a major investment can opt for this option.
The other ways from which you can get a visa are:
· Portugal digital Nomad visa.
· Schengen visa.
· Study in Portugal.
· D2 visa.
Finding residency in Portugal.
The first thing you should decide is whether you are going torent a place or if you are going to buy it. The advantage you get when renting a place is that you don’t have much responsibility over the place, the landlord is responsible for all the repairs that maybe needed.
If you buy it, that will have its own advantages. You cansave money because you don’t have to pay for rent every month. Also, the value of the land you are buying might increase during the time.
How to buy the right place to live in Portugal?
Buying a real estate property is not a joke and should beconsidered as serious work. A lot of things need to be taken into consideration such as the laws and with a real estate agent. Working on this alone might be hectic and lengthy. Moreover, when working in a new country, it is always
better to take advice from someone who works on things related to real estate.
You can also seek advice from a group of experts on Facebookor WhatsApp groups.
Education in Portugal
The Portuguese education is very literate. There are moreEnglish speaking people in this country. They rank 7th in speakingof English. Furthermore, every child in Portugal must be in school who is aged between 6 and 16. Regardless of what nationality they are, they can access a
free education in this country. The international schools are in the cities of
Lisbon, Porto, and the Algarve region. Moreover, children can also be given
admission to public schools. They are of excellent level too. There are options
for French, German, and British curriculums as well in the country.
Healthcare in the country
Portugal’s health care system is known as Serviço Nacional deSaúde (SNS). The public is charged a fee or given free medical services depending on their health. This system works through funding and is a network of public hospitals and community health centers.
Not only the citizens of Portugal, but also legal residentscan be registered in this public health care system. Unfortunately, tourists can’t be registered, but they can still get emergency treatment if needed.
If a person is coming from an EU national and has a healthcard from his country, then he can use it in the country of Portugal too.
Portugal entry requirements
There are few documents that are required when enteringPortugal. These documents depend on the nation you belong to. If you are an EEA national, you are only required to show your identification card. However, if you are not an EEA national, then you will have to show a few other documents. They include a valid passport, or a travel document, and a Portugal visa.
Apart from this, you may be asked a few questions by thePortugal officers on arriving there. These questions may be like
· What is your purpose for visiting Portugal?
· For how long do you think you are going to stay here?
· In which place of Portugal do you plan to stay?
You will need a few proofs of the answer you are going togive to the officers. Keep in mind that the final decision to allow you into Portugal is in the hands of officers on the border. Once they confirm that you are no threat to Portugal, they will let you in.
Benefits of moving to Portugal
· Portugal has great weather in almost every part of thecountry.
· They have a friendly culture, and are great hosts.
· You can have amazing and many types of sea food in thecountry.
· The cost of living is low, and the land can be foundat a very cheap price too.
· Portugal is a very peaceful country. The crime rate isvery low.
A Few disadvantages of moving to Portugal
· Limited goods and resources in the rural part of the country.
· Moving away from friends and family is never easy.
Portugal is a great country with great people. Leaving yourhomeland and moving to a new place makes you face many hurdles in the way. Portugal
is a very welcoming country that has many lenient laws. There are amazing
facilities of health and education in the country. Moreover, the environment is
very kind and easy to adjust to. I hope you like our article and the
information we mentioned helps you with your immigration.